TITLE: Stop Bullying 
BACKGROUND: Nowadays, almost, 8 out of 10 teenagers in the philippines have experienced bullying. This issue mostly happen inside the schools. Most of the teenagers lost their confidence because of what they have exprience while growing up. Also, bullying is one of the reason why there's many cases of suicide in our country.
AIM: This advocacy aims to protect teenagers from experiencing bullying in or outside their houses. Also, this advocacy's motive is to prevent those teenagers from thinking of ending their lives. 
OBJECTIVE(s): The action that is needed for this to achieve is to create a program in schools where once the student is proved of bullying others, their parents will be called and let them know that if their child did the same action again, the student will automatically be dropped out of school.
TARGET(s): The targets of this advocacy are those people who's bullying others to let them know the consequences of their doings. Also, those people who's experiencing the situation for them to know that they are not fighting alone. Moreover, the school official and parents should be aware if this advocacy to guide their childrens.
PARTNER(s): The one who can make this advocacy possible is the Department of Education because they are the one who make school policies.


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